Persona Analysis

Are you interested in finding out what your personas think about certain topics and how to address them effectively? With our data-based persona analysis, you get to know your customers even better and are able to optimize your approach.

The perfect persona based on data

Our data-based personas help you to better understand your customers and stakeholders. With our expertise, we enable you to keep a constant eye on mindsets, topics and characteristics of your personas. This way, you can increase your revenue and improve your customer loyalty with detailed buying personas.

Persona Analysis Poll

Together we develop your personas

We know that creating meaningful personas can be a challenge. That's why we support you every step of the way:

  • We start by defining the characteristics of your personas together with you and/or digitizing your existing personas so that you can use them for all your questions at any time.

  • We then build a customized database for your questions.

  • The personas can now be used in real time for all your questions so that you always have an overview of their response behavior.

Teamwork mit Civey

We ask, your persona answers

A successful persona analysis goes beyond the definition of target groups. Civey personas comprise individualized typologies and multidimensional characteristics. It's about understanding what is important to your personas and how they perceive the world. That's why we offer the opportunity to see our extensive range of questions through the eyes of your customer groups. Use our corporate account to analyze current surveys from the point of view of your target groups.

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We guide you through your transformation

We understand that the creation of personas can only be the first step in the transformation of your company. That's why we support you not only in the development or validation of your personas, but also in the implementation of your marketing and communication strategies and the expansion of your business model. We work with you to ensure that you get the most out of your personas and achieve your goals.

Persona Analysis

We create insights into your buyer persona

Find out more about your personas using reliable data from Civey. Deep insights into your target group enable you to steer your marketing strategy in a targeted manner. Contact us now for a non-binding consultation on our persona analysis.

Step-by-step guide to persona analysis

Step 1

Step 1

We first identify an overall target group for your company as a basis for the persona analysis.
Step 2

Step 2

We develop customized personas for your company and define persona characteristics on which your buyer groups are based.
Step 3

Step 3

We provide you with personas for studies and target group analyses. You can continuously measure the attitude of your target groups on relevant topics.

Our services based on the example of persona analysis

  • We assist you in better understanding your target group by offering real-time analyses of your individual personas for all your questions.
  • With our online panel, we can also reach highly specific target groups, providing you with meaningful data on your B2C or B2B personas.
  • Detailed buying personas allow you to increase your sales, improve customer loyalty and reach potential target groups in a more targeted manner.
  • Together, we create your individual personas based on a broad database. You can then use these in the long term to generate important insights.
  • You can apply these personas to all surveys and gain a deep understanding of your target group's opinions.
  • We also support you in implementing marketing strategies to get the best out of the personas and achieve your goals.
  • You receive your data in an interactive live dashboard and can also incorporate it into your platform in various formats.

Our Customers


Real-time data on your personas

We define customized personas for you, provide continuous real-time data on the behavior of your target group and support you in analyzing your data. Are you interested in the Civey persona analysis? Get in touch with our consultants now.

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