Communication Study

You want to cover your topic in the media and become a thought leader? Our data is the foundation for successful public relations activities.

Effective communication with data-based storytelling

Our communication study allows you to create exciting stories from reliable data and reach the right target groups with your message. We first identify your target group and measure their views on topics that are particularly relevant to you. Based on reliable survey results, we then determine valuable insights that specifically contribute to your communication goals. These form an ideal basis for data-driven storytelling and allow exciting approaches for your PR studies and external communication. With our real-time data, you can react fast and be sure that your target group is always in focus.

Get the attention you deserve

Our reliable live data gives your story more impact. With data-supported stories, you will be perceived as an expert in your field and effectively achieve your communication goals. We tailor the scope of the communication study to your individual needs. Depending on your requirements, we can collect data for your external communication on a case-by-case basis or as an ongoing project. Our real-time data constantly provides new hooks for your message and makes you an opinion leader.

Communication Study Headlines

Take part in public debates

If your topic is already the subject of public debates, we can collect data particularly fast. With us, you benefit from high data quality, which we prove in our daily work with numerous editorial offices and prior to elections. We equip PR professionals with the right data to strengthen corporate communications in the long term.

Communication Study Articles

We help you shine with details about your target groups

With our exciting insights tailored specifically to your stakeholders, we collect data from your target groups – including the B2B sector. Get our real-time data for your communication study in a well-structured format and benefit from our comprehensive graphics. You can integrate these directly into your communication or PR studies in various formats.

Communication Study Poll

You want to create wow-effects?

With our communication study, we extract the extraordinary from your live data and help you to find exciting approaches for your storytelling. This ensures that your message is remembered by exactly the right target group. We offer target group comparisons or comprehensible key figures for your public relations work. We are also happy to create a ranking for you by federal state or even district.

Communication Study Map

You want to get started right away?

Take your public relations activities to the next level with reliable data. Get in touch with our consulting team without obligation and start your communication study with us.

Step-by-step guide for our communication study

Step 1

Step 1

We identify the relevant target groups for your corporate communications.
Step 2

Step 2

We measure your customers attitudes towards topics relevant to your communication.
Step 3

Step 3

We identify insights with newsworthiness that contribute to your communication goals.

Advantages of the communication study

  • You set the agenda with relevant studies and fact-based storytelling.
  • You react quickly and agile to current trend topics with our live data.
  • You score points as an opinion leader with a high level of detail and clear graphics.
  • You work with data that is familiar to many editorial teams in Germany - from daily newspapers to specialized media.
  • Your communication strategy benefits from our consulting – starting with the optimal survey and ending with the right conclusions.
  • Our experienced experts are on hand to advise you throughout the entire process.

Find stories with real impact

Good storytelling appeals to just the right target group, is captivating and, above all, offers value. That's all made possible by our live data from Civey. Do you want to enrich your press work with exciting insights tailored to your target group? Contact us without obligation and we will be happy to advise you on the communication study.

Our Customers


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