Brand Tracking

You want to know how your target group perceives your brand? We measure your brand awareness live and help you to optimize your brand positioning.

Measure brand awareness for more transparency

With our brand tracking, we enable you to monitor your brand awareness - live and around the clock. Our real-time analysis provides you with up-to-date insights into the changing perception of your brand within the relevant target group. In addition to brand awareness, we also determine how strongly the brand is associated with positive attributes and calculate an uplift. This allows you to react fast and efficiently to changes and to maximize the success of your brand.

Get an understanding of your target group

Are your customers of today also those of tomorrow? We support you in understanding relevant target groups even better and in identifying new ones. Let us analyze which media your relevant target groups prefer to use, where they get their information and how you can get them excited about your brand and products.

Brand Tracking Map

We measure your brand positioning live

Markets and target groups change. That's why we measure brand awareness and brand perception live for you using fixed indicators. We track the development of your individual brand attributes around the clock and/or along a funnel from awareness to brand consideration to first choice. Keep an eye on all areas with our brand tracking.

Brand Tracking Tablet

See in real time whether your brand optimisation is working

You want to track the awareness of your brand logo over time? These and other insights into your reputation among your target groups will help you derive the right steps for your strategy. We are by your side for the ongoing optimization of your brand performance. And at the same time, we measure how the changes affect your target groups.

Brand Tracking Image Polls

We reveal strengths and weaknesses of your competition

Want a ranking? You can't have successful brand tracking without looking to the left and right. That's why we also compare your brand impact with other players in the industry. This allows you to focus on your strengths and to develop a clear positioning for your brand.

Innovationsanalyse erstellen

Are you interested in our brand tracking?

Let's get together to identify the best way to measure your brand awareness live.

Step-by-step guide to brand tracking



As a starting point for Civey’s brand tracking, we first identify the target group relevant to your brand.
Step 2

Step 2

We measure the brand values within your target group along your funnel or using core indicators.
Step 3

Step 3

We compare your brand values with the brand values of your most important competitors for optimal brand management.

Our services illustrated by the example of brand tracking

Data-based: Using reliable data, you can track your brand's positioning around the clock and use the insights to optimize brand management and increase brand value.

Live: Our brand tracking offers meaningful real-time data. Track changes in the brand perception of your target group. This enables you to react immediately.

User-friendly: In our live dashboards, we prepare your data in a clear and easy-to-understand way. This makes it easy for you to take data-driven decisions that drive your brand growth.

Innovative: Our brand score reflects the overall strength of your brand. This allows you to keep an eye not only on the level of awareness of your brand, but also on the positive characteristics that your target group associates with it.

Customized: Not all brands are the same. Knowing this, we carefully tailor our solutions to the requirements of your company. Our experienced experts will guide you through the process of brand tracking.

Our Customers


Optimize the success of your brand

Get a non-binding consultation on Civey’s brand tracking now.

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